

Title Description Start Date End Date File
Auction notice regarding parking, photography, printed form and canteen contract of District Sub-Divisional Magistrate Complex Hoshiarpur, Bhunga and Sham Chaurasi.

Auction notice regarding parking, photography, printed form and canteen contract of District Sub-Divisional Magistrate Complex Hoshiarpur, Bhunga and Sham Chaurasi.

10/03/2025 20/03/2025 View (2 MB)
Schedule of main publication of voter list, Annexure A and Annuxure B for for Shiromani Gurdawara Prabhandak Committee( Board)

Schedule of main publication of voter list, Annexure A and Annuxure B for for Shiromani Gurdawara Prabhandak Committee( Board)

03/01/2025 01/01/2026 View (4 MB)