
Posts under Punjab State Rural Livelihood Mission(PSRLM) purely on contractual basis

Posts under Punjab State Rural Livelihood Mission(PSRLM) purely on contractual basis
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Posts under Punjab State Rural Livelihood Mission(PSRLM) purely on contractual basis

Applications were invited for the following posts of cluster coordinator-2 posts and district Accountant -1 post under Punjab State Rural Livelihood Mission (PSRLM) Purely on contractual basis till 27/09/2019 4pm.

The shortlisted candidates for the above-mentioned posts have to appear for interview on 19.11.2019 at Office of Additional Deputy Commissioner(development), Hoshiarpur

The list of shortlisted candidates can be seen by clicking on the link mentioned.

The list of selected candidates against the vacancy of cluster coordinator under Punjab state rural Livelihood Mission can be seen by clicking the mentioned link.

20/09/2019 30/11/2019 View (87 KB) Details (266 KB) Form (257 KB) Shortlisted Candidates (97 KB) Selected_Candidates_Cluster_cordinator (1 MB)